miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011


Hola compañeras “peralicas”
Me encanta Toronto, y una de las cosas que más me gusta es que tienen un circuito de carreras solo para mujeres.
En la página Web (www.towomensruns.com) me llamó la atención la sección “why a women’s run”, ya que coincido completamente con lo escrito allí (ya comenté algo de esto en mi relato “dejadme correr”.
Aquí les copio lo que argumentan (aunque está en inglés espero lo entiendan, o pidan ayuda a nuestra Super Boomer):

Why a Women's Race
Our mission is to offer women's running races which motivate and inspire women to come set the pace. The races also enable women to be active, fit and involved.

For some women participating in this race, the motivating factors are the opportunity to run in a supportive and friendly environment and to socialize with other women runners. For others, such as competitive female runners it is the opportunity to be part of the front runners instead of feeling that they are the “chase” group. An all women’s race lets them experience the rush of being first across the finish line instead of being the first woman across the finish line.

Regardless of what pace you are setting or what motivates you to cross the finish line, it is the collective power of the group all supporting one another that makes the Toronto Women's Run Series so unique and memorable. Pick your race and come set the pace with us in 2011.

Me inscribí en una carrera de éste circuito para el próximo sábado 27, de 10 Km. Ya les contaré.

3 comentarios:

  1. Olga, deja el pabellón cartagenero bien alto.

  2. esa olgita..besos..y ya sabes loq se vé desde lo alto de Toronto.....Torontontero...:P

  3. Olga,,mételes caña, que vayan sabiendo quienes somos para cuando vayamos a verte.
    Pero sobre todo.....Disfrutalo.
